The Silvertip Casino was held up early Friday morning, some where around 5:30 pm. Missoula Police Sgt. Geron Wade stated that the man entered the casino at the corner of Bancroft Street and Southwest Higgins Avenue around that hour. He also went on to say that there were few people in the casino, when the man pointed a shotgun at an employee, and ordered him to get the money. Luckily no one was hurt, as no shots were fired.
The robber left the casino driving west on 34th Street in a dark blue or black two-door sedan. The sedan could be identified because it had a significant dent on the rear passenger side. The suspect was described as 5’10 to 6’0 tall, and was wearing a dark cap with a bandanna covering his face.
The robber’s profile or style was not similar to other Missoula robberies. The vehicle for one was not one described as the car at other robberies. Missoula Police are asking that any information about this crime should be reported to their police department, or Crime Stoppers department. |