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Female Gambling Research Underway. 2005-07-06
Doctoral student Mary Dinerman of John F. Kennedy University’s Clinical Psychology unit is commissioning an important innovative study on female gamblers. The study will examine the beliefs, and feeling about gaming, on the female prospects. In the past these researches were on male perspectives, and today are on the women’s side of things.
Since there have been more women included in these studies, conclusions can be better examine the feelings of gambling to this gender. So far, conclusions have been generalized to all women gamblers. Only in a small amount of the studies were where gender related findings had not been reported. Research on internet gambling, the most popular way to play nowadays, is nearly nonexistent.
Female gamblers between the ages of 25-65 years of age, who self-identify as problem gamblers, as well as those who are currently participating in internet gambling. Dinerman hopes the research will add to understanding internet influences female gambling behavior.
The survey, a short one, is an interview of sorts to better understand internet gambling through the eyes of the gamblers. The interview takes 1 ½ hours, over the phone or in person. It all of course is confidential.
The results will now add something to the information on internet gambling for both men, and women, equally. This research will help understand about gambling, and its effects. Now with the internet information, it can be equalized with land gambling.
(By Andrea)

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