Chukchansi Gold casino employee has filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board, quite recently. The employee maintained that the Coarsegold resort is trying to stop efforts to with the workers' union. Employee James Terrazas said casino heads are handling opponents of the Unite-Here union unjustly.
Terrazas filed the NLRB charges with the assistance of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. The foundation is a Virginia-based nonprofit organization that provides free legal help for workers. Unite-Here union can only hope that the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation will work on their behalf.
Scott Wilson, a San Diego lawyer representing the Chukchansi tribe and casino, said no labor law violations have occurred. Terrazas isn’t commenting on what did occur only that the resort is trying to stop the workers union, and treated them unfairly. What that means is a problem to be proven in court. At this stage it is unclear if the workers really have a case against the Chukchansi Gold Casino. |