Rockingham Park has just signed a contract with a Las Vegas company in order to reinstate thoroughbred racing, if video lottery is approved there. This comes in the wake the contract signing. Now they are looking to the state for results.
They have spent a few years researching how to develop the property. They hope to make some sort of headway with the state. Ed Callahan, Rockingham's general manager, believes that will change sometime soon.
Rockingham Venture Inc., owner and operator of the park, has signed an agreement with Millennium Gaming and Cannery Casino Resorts for the expansion. Already they are preparing to make the plans. They are ready to expand the facility, Callahan stated.
The legislature, however, does not meet again until January. When it does show up, it will be the first time the issue could find itself coming up. Next year is the hope for the passing of this bill.
If it does it would be a tremendous revenue source for the state, Callahan went on to say. He also added that a gambling and racing facility would bring jobs and boost the economy. At the same time legislators reject video gambling.
Most recently in April they have repeated this trend by putting a rejection notice on this once again. The bill did not have the support by Gov. John Lynch, and his position hasn't changed since. It also isn’t likely to change either.
If legislators don't allow gambling at Rockingham Park, things will definitely change. The property will most likely be developed as something other than a racetrack, Callahan said without divulging details. Three years ago, Rockingham brought back harness racing, renews after 20 years of being in hiatus.
At the moment, the park will continue to offer harness racing during the spring and summer, as well as simulcast wagering on thoroughbred, harness and greyhound races. In a telephone interview from Las Vegas, William Wortman, an owner of Millennium, told The Telegraph he believes it’s a wonderful location. At one point in time, Rockingham Park was the place to be, and they hope to revive it fully and better to what it was before. |