In Hyderabad, India card players were rounded up. Over the weekend, thirty-five individuals were arrested by the police in separate gambling activities. On Friday night, all were taken in for allegedly playing three cards.
Thirty were arrested for playing three cards at Koramandal lodge at Abids. All of the accused, including organizer, Konda Reddy (30), were taken in. The raid allowed the police to recover Rs 5.01 lakh from Reddy’s room at the lodge. Reddy took two rooms at the lodge, where he supposedly allowed individuals to play that game there
In a separate incident, four other individuals were arrested by the police on the same day, at Dabeepura for gambling. M Shyamsunder, Rajesh, Mallesh, Krishna and Anil Kumar were just some arrestees. They were also caught playing three cards in a house. |