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Legislators Fight Dirty In Election Campaigns. 2005-10-06
Rockland Legislator Kenneth P. Zebrowski Jr. has filed a complaint against opponent Ed Day. The complaint accused Day of illegal gambling. The Democrat attests that Day committed a Class E felony and or Class A misdemeanor. He states that Day was raffling off a one week stay in Hilton Head S.C.
Zebrowski said the gambling laws in the state Constitution and the state penal code would not prosecute Day. Instead of pressing charges against his opponent, he wants a calm solution to the situation. Instead he hopes Day will give back all the money he took in the attempt.
The penal code stipulates that promoting gambling is a first degree felony, and a second-degree charge misdemeanor. The state penal code classifies gambling as a "contest of chance." The Constitution classifies it as a contest of chance as a game "in which prizes are awarded on the basis of a winning number or numbers, color or colors, symbol or symbols determined by chance." Day, a Republican, says he didn’t commit any crime.
Day, a Republican challenging Zebrowski for the Legislature's 5th District seat, attests he didn’t nothing illegal. Though, if an authoritative body proves other wise, he will gladly return any money. Day says he was doing it for a fundraising effort. The Board of Elections has been notified about the raffle.
Day's fundraising was where campaign supporters began buying raffle tickets for the Hilton Head vacation in August. Day collected $2,000 in raffle tickets, and the winner is to be announced this week. Day also has previously fought dirty when it came to the elections.
Day has previously criticized Zebrowski for accepting donations in amounts greater than $100 from county vendors. This violates a 1997 county campaign finance law. Zebrowski was appointed to the county Legislature seat in January to replace his father. The scandal didn’t last long as he gave back the $200, split between two companies. He continues to accept donations from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 363. He accepts it because it is on the county's vendor list. He would not give back any of that money because it was the union's right to donate.
What it sounds like here is a case of dirty politics. Each is doing similar questionable activities they make seem clean in the public eye. In the end it is a fight for the position, Democrat vs. Republican. Here the lines are blurred, and each looks a replica of the same thing to vote for.
(By Andrea)

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