Lieutenant Governor Loren Leman must be a hardliner, and especially when it comes to gambling. That may be because it was the Lt. Gov. that has again denied certification for a ballot initiative for this in Alaska. Obviously the office is not rushing to legalize video gambling halls in their state.
That makes the third time this year the proposal has been rejected, but that doesn’t mean they are down an out. Initiative sponsors say they plan to try again when they can. That could even mean in the two months a resurrection of this proposal.
The initiative would mean the legalization of video lottery terminals. What that means is games like poker, slots and keno would be readily available to the public. Of course this means that this could only be opened in places with a population of over 30,000. That could be an issue, and that is just one of the reasons why the state is against it.
The attorney general's claims that according to the law, that would mean a creation of a video gambling monopoly in Anchorage for one person. Some suspect that that would mean an empire for Victoria Scott. Ms Scott is the main sponsor of the bill, so she does have something to gain from it. Victoria Scott is the mother of a Las Vegas investor Shawn Scott, so that automatically means she is seeking to get into the business like her son. Things don’t look good for her, but one never knows if the law should change in her, and maybe others favors. |