A year-long investigation may come to its conclusion soon enough. The investigation into illegal gambling has finally led to three raids by the Columbus Police Vice Squad. It was because of this information that dozens of electronic gambling machines were taken from these places.
Two of the places had these machines, and without them they are out of business. The thing is one of the places was located in a strip mall, and owned nine machines. All is now gone, but it seems the manager has always been gone, as they haven’t found him yet.
An anonymous tip led to two other suspected illegal gambling sites, but others may have gotten wind of the tip since the manager, and patrons were no where in site, just lower ranked employees. That means those caught in the crackdown, is not only a loss out of a job, but they are facing charges. Apparently someone has to pay, when the real ones, who should be charged haven’t been caught. One woman said that she didn’t know that this was all illegal; in fact she was told by her boss that it was all legal. She claims he is a good guy, and probably didn’t know it was illegal either. Skill games may not be illegal, but chance ones are.
Police say ignorance is no excuse, if a machine pays out money it is gambling, and is illegal in the state of Ohio. Obviously one boss knew that because he has disappeared. Unfortunately one employee will have to pay for her bosses lies, or ignorance in the situation. |